Sensors and software to power your smart office
If your company is ready to manage the occupancy of your workplaces with modern tools, Nimway is here to help. Gain reliable office usage analytics and easy room booking—thanks to rigorous quality standards and masterfully developed APIs from Sony.
Occupancy sensing, people counting, indoor climate data, and more. Real-time sensor data helps employees find available spots and companies understand usage in fine detail.
If users agree to share their position, beacons help them locate colleagues and provide a wayfinding system for unfamiliar campuses. All user data is secure and GDPR compliant.
Enjoy a stylish display of room availability. If the room isn’t in use, the panel will appear green. If occupied, red. On the room panel, review availability and book the time you need.
These dynamic layouts let any person—employees and visitors—orient themselves with ease. See availability of workspaces and locate employees who have shared their location.
Book office resources from anywhere, at any time. Use wayfinding to get there. Find saved colleagues quickly. Report a problem in the facility. All this is possible, and more.
Aggregate your sensor data and room booking data for enriching space usage insights. Discover underutilized areas, occupancy trends, the impact of indoor climate, and more.
You might be asking yourself: "Which smart office sensors do I need?" In this complete guide, you'll familiarize yourself with a wide range of devices.
You might be asking yourself: "Which smart office sensors do I need?" In this complete guide, you'll familiarize yourself with a wide range of devices.
If you have a general question about smart offices, or one
about Nimway in particular, our team is ready to help.
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